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Showroom Open:
Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Weekends by Appointment
16001 Impact Way
Pflugerville, TX 78660

Customers Love Exaco Greenhouses


Royal Victorian Greenhouse

Austin, TX

Andy McGuire knows that Texas weather can create a tricky climate for a greenhouse. He’s therefore chosen to grow succulents and cacti. Both of these hardy plant varieties love the light and heat, and thrive even in the middle of August when internal temps can reach up upwards of 115 degrees!

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Royal Victorian Greenhouse

Durango, CO

As a professional greenhouse installer, Yurii Potemkin has picked up a few gardening tricks. He’s taken advantage of Colorado’s cool soil to install a geothermal conditioning system, which can provide both heating and cooling to the greenhouse interior. The resulting climate control allows him to start his prize-winning tomatoes and peppers in early January!


Royal Victorian Greenhouse

Durango, CO

As a professional greenhouse installer, Yurii Potemkin has picked up a few gardening tricks. He’s taken advantage of Colorado’s cool soil to install a geothermal conditioning system, which can provide both heating and cooling to the greenhouse interior. The resulting climate control allows him to start his prize-winning tomatoes and peppers in early January!

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Riga Greenhouse

Asheville, NC

Greg Miller moved to the mountains of Western North Carolina for fresh start in retirement and has become passionate about organic gardening. He’s used his Riga greenhouse to grow an abundance of beautiful produce, from wintertime kale and chard to summertime bell peppers. His greenhouse is so effective at protecting plants from weather and wildlife that he has more than he can eat!

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Modern Greenhouse

Seattle, WA, CO

Jeremy Joseph and his wife really, really love flowers. Their Modern greenhouse nurtures budding Zennias through the wet and windy spring months, and allows their indoor cat to join them for gardening days. Come summer they transplant everything to the outside for an explosion of color in their front yard!


Modern Greenhouse

Seattle, WA

Jeremy Joseph and his wife really, really love flowers. Their Modern greenhouse nurtures budding Zennias through the wet and windy spring months, and allows their indoor cat to join them for gardening days. Come summer they transplant everything to the outside for an explosion of color in their front yard!

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Royal Victorian Greenhouse

Austin, TX

Claudia works for Exaco, and she’s genuinely passionate about the backyard oasis she’s created with her Royal Victorian greenhouse. Using colorful patio furniture and a home-built hammock stand, she shows that greenhouses aren’t just for gardening - they can also be a place to relax and socialize!

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Want More Greenhouse Content?

Visit Us on Social Media!

Our YouTube Channel has even more interviews with customers who love their greenhouse.

Our Instagram and Facebook pages feature customer-submitted photos of our greenhouses. See how gardeners and recreators have arranged things and get inspired!

Looking For a Community of Greenhuse Users?

Some of our customers have started up a Facebook page dedicated specifically to the usage and maintenance of our Janssens models, and many others have found it helpful over the years.

*Exaco is not an administrator of this group and does not control or moderate its content

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